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A Renaissance Woman


Total Strangers Can Be Remarkable

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Back to boot camp I went with my big bad self today. There is a boot camp class that is offered at the YMCA. The exercises were painful to say the least. Here I was running back and forth in the gym. Karen said it was like basketball drills. I have never played basketball. Just when I thought I was going to puke all over the gym, the trainer wanted us to do inch worms. Do you know what that is? Oh and then do them in reverse, OUCH!

I will say that the trainer didn't ask us to do anything he couldn't do himself which I love. I have a lot of respect for people that can do what they are asking you to do when it comes to exercise. This class was full of ex-military. I'm working out with people who are already in great shape. It was intimidating that is for sure. Near the end of the class as I was trying to avoid the white light combined with puking, the guy next to me was rocking it. This was not his first boot camp that is for sure. I looked over at him and said, "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say run away!" He laughed and said, "No, you are doing good! You need to challenge yourself, AIM HIGH!" For some reason that sounded all these bells inside my head. I'm not one to aim low but it sure was a nice reminder. What a blessing it can be to receive words of encouragement at just the right time. Those two words were all I needed to hear to have a different attitude.

The goal is to get to boot camp 3 times a week in the month of December. My hope is to have calves small enough to be able to wear those super hot black boots that I have always loved. Wish me luck!

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The Blind Side & New Moon - Movie Reviews

Can I get a Whoot! Since it was my semi-annual "Girls Day Out" I got to see not one but two movies. How awesome is that? I haven't done that since I was in junior high. First up! The Blind Side -

If you haven't seen this movie yet get yourself to a theater! It is worth the trip. I LOVED it. Sandra Bullock was FANTASTIC, honestly this has been her best role to date. If I didn't know better I would have thought the character she played was a native Texan. We love Leigh Anne Tuohy. The entire cast was phenomenal and Jae Head who plays SJ stole many scenes. I love this movie so much that it may very well become part of my small dvd collection. I love the story, I love the happy ending and well that's just great entertainment. I'm so glad that I got to see this film.

Next up - New Moon
Sorry their site isn't as cool as The Blind Side, they won't let me share videos with you. You can always click on the link though. Maybe you are like me and you haven't bothered to see Twilight but you figure you can catch up with New Moon. Karen was with me and it was her second time to see it so she filled me in. Honestly, HD is not kind to actors who are suppose to be vampires. Personally I was thrown by all the silly contacts and pasty make up. Poor Pattinson and that dreaded lipstick. GAK! It was really hard to buy that he was supposed to be a high school student. But I do have to say that I bought the love struck chemistry between Edward and Bella. That went over pretty well but insert Jacob played by Taylor Lautner and that was hard to digest. Now, I'm feeling my age! Now, I'm baffled. He transforms and enters the wolf pack and kudos Lautner for all your hard work at the gym. I can appreciate his hard work but seriously felt like I was crossing that line of pervert or cougarville inappropriateness. Come on! I'm old enough to be this kids mother! older sister. He's 17 for crying out loud. My brain just had a hard time wrapping itself around any scene he was in. However, I have to say the wolf pack scenes were awesome! WOW computer graphics and special effects have come a long way. The fight scene among the vampires was pretty sweet too. Am I too old for this flick? Am I too old for the saga? Maybe so. I know the other women in the theater didn't have a problem swooning! rofl.... Crazy COUGARS!

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Freebie Friday - Week 35

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!
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Aloha Friday #71 - What Was Your Favorite...

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
What was your favorite dish at Thanksgiving dinner?

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Thursday Thirteen #92 - Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This week it seems only appropriate to list my favorite things that happened today.

1.) Spent the day with my family.
2.) Didn't have to clean.
3.) The kids got to visit with their family.
4.) We celebrated my grandmother's birthday.
5.) I got to see my eldest who I hadn't seen since Halloween.
6.) We got to have family movie night.
7.) We played baseball outside.
8.) The weather was nice!
9.) My husband brought home a turkey from work. He calls is a "workey."
10.) We got our computers back up and running.
11.) I got to take a 30 minute nap.
12.) We all went to bed early.
13.) There was a hot game of poker. My brother raked it in.

What about you?

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Wordless Wednesday - Brothers

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

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Tackle It Tuesday - The Kids Room

Tackle It Tuesday Meme
This week I'm tackling the boys room.

Total mess on the bed.

Total mess on the floor.

More mess...mmmm my favorite.

@KarenANelson said switch the clothing and toy storage. At first I thought she was crazy! But low and behold she's not crazy, it totally works for these guys.

Toys are gone!

They are stored in these drawers.

The mess is all gone!
I'm one happy mama.
What are you tackling today?

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Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 31

Gained 2 pounds. I'm active all day long and those who are around me get exhausted just hanging out with me. I'm pretty much convinced it's what I'm eating. I'm guessing I need to get back to the food journal in order to track what I'm eating. I think that might be the only way to make a difference. At this point I just don't know!

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What Did You Do With The Kids Today?

My son won a coupon to Incredible Pizza for a free buffet. We added that to the gift card that the kids got last year for Christmas. My little guy ate for free because he is at that magic age. For $34 we were able to feed (buffet style) two adults, three children and entertain all of them! We spent nothing out of pocket. How is that for using your resources? Are these cute kids or what? Goooooooo Mommy!

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5 Fingers of Thanks

Last week when I wrote this post the top thing I was thankful for was my health. It's almost like I jinxed myself. The next day I started having issues with my teeth. My dentist was away at the deer lease this weekend. Maybe I can get it checked out later this week. Here we go...

1.) Thankful my husband made it home from Switzerland safe and sound.
2.) Thankful we have the majority of our credit cards paid off, Thanks Dave Ramsey.
3.) Thankful my Mom is out of the ER and on medication for high blood pressure.
4.) Thankful for our "Girls Day Out" we have planned for Saturday.
5.) Thankful for the band at church. They can really rock out!

And that my friends are my five fingers of thanks. I'm going to try to do this every Sunday. Let me know if you are interested in joining in and I can put up a Linky.

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Single Mom Week Here At The Ranch

My hubs has been away so it's been single mom week. It's so helpful to have an extra set of hands. The kids have been pretty good overall but some days are just better than others. I'm amazed at the kinds of things that they will do while Dad is away. It's almost like there is some big conspiracy among the three of them to make me lose my mind. I'm only one person come on! My hat is off to all of you single moms out there. 

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Freebie Friday - Week 34

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!
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Aloha Friday #70 - What is your next big...

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
What is your next big project?

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Thursday Thirteen #91 - Christmas Gift Cards


Christmas is coming and with our finances now in order and constantly working on home improvement I have lots of ideas! I have images of gift cards dancing in my head. Ready? Here's my list.

1.) Target
2.) Lowes
3.) JCPenny
6.) DSW
7.) Cinemark or AMC
9.) Amazon
10.) Best Buy
11.) Wal-Mart

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Holiday Giveaway - Dork Diaries

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life
New school. New mean girl. New crush. New diary so Nikki can spill about all of it...

The Dork Diaries follows young Nikki Maxwell, who chronicles through text and sketches her move to a snooty new school; her epic battle with her mom for an iPhone; her enthusiasm for drawing & art; and a love/hate fascination with the new school's queen bee, a girl named Mackenzie who becomes Nikki's rival in a school-wide art competition.

A copy of this book has been shipped to me to read compliments of Simon & Schuster and I will tell you all about it. I just caught my son reading this book on the couch. I like the summary though, it looks like fun! This book is appropriate for girls ages 9-13. You don't have to wait on my review to enter to win. Go ahead and enter today!

There will be five winners announced here on this post 12/2/09. Last contest entry will be accepted 12/1/09 12am cst. The contest is open to U.S. residents only. 

You can win by leaving me a comment telling me you would like a copy and please be sure your email address is on your profile or leave it in the comment section so I can contact you.

Extra Entries -

Are you on Facebook? Join Simon & Schuster's Fan Page
Are you on Twitter? Follow Simon & Schuster on Twitter

Leave me a comment for each entry, that's it. Good Luck!

The book was sort of a wake up call for me. I can't believe the things kids worry about now. However, some things remain the same: popularity, fitting in and of course boys. The book reminds me of the movie Mean Girls but with a middle school twist to it. There may very well be a Nikki in most of us girls at one point or another. The funny part about this review is once again my son snagged this book and read it before I did. I would have been more comfortable reading it before him. The art work in the book is hands down amazing. It has that anime look to it. My son and I have talked about the book and he thought it was funny. He didn't focus on the parts that I thought he would. He was cracking up about the big roach on Nikki's dad's work van and her little sister's fear of the tooth fairy. I think the book caught his eye because of the artwork. The cover is similar to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. On that note, as a winner please read the book first before handing it over to determine for yourself if it is an appropriate read for that young girl you plan to give it to. 

And The Winners Are...
stillpayn4it(at)gmail(dot)com angie

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Wordless Wednesday - Texas Cold Snap

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

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Tackle It Tuesday - Shelves

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Whoo Hoo! I did it, I got the shelves up in the boys room. You knew I didn't do it alone right? Of course I had help from Karen A. Nelson. She has been helping me with organization ideas for my boys room.

We used this wall. The problem? My older son has stuff he doesn't want his younger brother touching and breaking while he is away at school. Solution?

These super cool shelves from Lowes. Karen hung the one on the left and I hung the other two with the help of my son. I did it! Anchors and all, go me. I love these shelves and now he can put what ever he wants on them because right now his little brother can't reach. I'm sure when my hubs gets back he's going to double to check to see if I hung them properly. lol
Next I wanted to get the hats hung up.

Solution for many hats? Two hat peg racks.

Go me! I'm super excited. If you get a chance go check out Karen's new blog. That is what I have been helping her with. We've been bartering! lol

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Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 30

I'm not sure what happened to Angie she hasn't updated her post for a while but I'm going to keep tracking my progress. I forgot to weigh in this morning which makes it hard to track any progress. However, after watching The Biggest Loser tonight it hit me. What is the reason you gained weight to begin with?

My weight issues circle around pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my eldest son I lived on the other side of town away from friends and family. I was lonely to be honest with you. My husband was at work all day and I was at home bored with a television and a house full of goodies. I walked a lot but it wasn't the exercise it was the food. My husband tells me how much and what I ate during that time and I'm still in denial. lol - The weight went down but never went back to where I once was and then I got pregnant again and then again and now it's over. I'm done, I'm finished, I've given birth to the caboose! And that's where it all began it stemmed from loneliness. I wasn't blogging yet or even in any forums, maybe that would have helped at the time. I don't know but I can tell you, I'm not lonely any more that is for sure!

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I've Been Naughty

How fun is this? They are lumps of coal at least that is what they look like but when you take the wrapper off it's solid milk chocolate chunks. I don't think my children would find it funny if I put this in their stocking. Honestly, I think I should put some in my own stocking because I've been a naughty mommy!

During our Texas cold snap we were hanging out as a family by the fire. It was so nice and then I got on the floor with my peeps and just hung out. This is really out of the ordinary for me. For a few minutes I found myself actually enjoying the moment and being calm and at peace. I wasn't thinking about the laundry, dishes or ten thousand other things I needed to be doing.

This week at church I'm suppose to lead the class on the topic of being "Attentive" which may seem like an easy thing to do but it hit me like a ton of bricks. As I'm relaxing with my children on the floor in front of the fire I'm not nearly attentive enough. I'm too busy, too over scheduled, too last on my list of things to do and changes need to be made. I'm not sure how I'm going to tackle all of this but I hear the first thing is to admit you have a problem.

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Won't You Be My Neighbor?

I'm completely back tracking here. Between the big baby shower, the end of soccer season meltdown and my hubs taking off to Switzerland for a week for "work" my neighborly blog visits are suffering. As soon as my peeps and my home recover I can get back to more visiting. I'm sure all of us bloggers have these weeks. This time it's my turn. I'll be by soon to see you all. I've been lacking on the meme visits. I'm aware but don't bail on me just yet. I'll make my rounds. Oh and I've got a $75 gift card up for grabs. Get over here and enter to win! See you soon.

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5 Fingers of Thanks

Today our pastor has challenged us to count at least 5 things to be thankful for each day. Some days this will be harder than others but the idea is to stop and give thanks each day. It's about changing your way of thinking. In the land of SAHM it's hard to stay organized all the time and some days I live in a world of nothing but chaos. It can be very stressful. My hope is that this will help me to focus on what's really important in the day to day grind of changing diapers and wiping noses.

1.) My health.
2.) My family.
3.) My friends.
4.) My church family.
5.) Good food!

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Shower The Baby With Gifts Galore

The big day came and went. There were 60 guests in attendance we ate, played games and boy were there gifts. I think Emily set a new record because it took two hours to open all of her gifts. Forrest is a very blessed baby.

Here is the slide show that was playing on the television screen during the festivities.

The following is video footage of our baby shower sponsors!

This footage has fast audio. It's either something with the video or I was seriously hyper!

The video footage below is messages to The Sandersons.

I'm going to go and get some rest now. It's been a long but fun filled day.

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Reality Baby Shower - It's A Boy!

You might have been to a few of my online cyber baby showers or you might have even been a sponsor. I have hosted for Janice and Susan @5minutesforMom, Colleen Padilla @ClassyMommy, Margie Gunn @Chesapeake Ribbons, Candace @Mamanista and Sarah @SassyFrazz. It's been a while since I have hosted mainly because I had a baby of my own. Now I get to host one offline! This is my very first shower to host and I'm so happy to finally return the favor to my friend. This will be an ongoing post. Join me as I plan this big event and see what products I'm going to use. If you would like to sponsor a gift and be included in this offline event with a live audience please contact me. There will be lots of links, photos and video footage! Whoo Hoo.

Planning a live baby shower
Step 1: Choose a date and time - (November 14th)  time (not included for privacy)
Step 2: Location - check (not included for privacy)
Step 3: Gather address list - Special thanks to Google Documents. Mom to be and I were able to share a spreadsheet back and forth to complete all the addresses.
Step 4: Choose invitations - Special thanks to Tiny Prints for sponsoring the invitations. Everyone is going to be oohing and ahhing. To see how Tiny Prints has helped me, please click on the link. I'm happy that no one will throw their invite away because that is a photo of Emily with her baby bump! That one is going in a keep sake album of some sort.
Step 5: Heading to Babies R Us and Target to help mom to be register for baby items.
Step 6: Joined in the #MomsRock Twitter party to find Mom Made products and Lois Whittaker from Cushie Pushie is going to sponsor her Mom Made Cushie Pushie for the shower.
Step 7: Invitations from have arrived and mom to be is very pleased! Now to get them mailed out so our guests have plenty of time to shop.
Step 8: More sponsors want to shower the baby with gifts galore! Vanessa from My Mommys Bracelets, Shari Murphy from Baby Banz, Colleen Padilla from Classy Mommy, Karen Nelson from Design With Your Dime In Mind, Margie Gunn from Chesapeake Ribbons and Cynthia Poblete creator of The Diaper Clutch. I'm throwing in a custom made diaper cake from Happy Panda.

The new parents are having a baby crib set dilemma. Can you help decide? Please cast your vote on the left side bar where the poll is located! (poll closed) Thank you.
Photos and products are listed at Nursery Depot.
Option One - Boxers or Briefs

Special thanks to Karen Nelson from Design With Your Dime In Mind who has offered her services to help decorate the baby's nursery!

Step 9: Food check! Emily's husband is going to cater the big event and we are going with a Mexican food theme. How does beef and chicken enchiladas sound? He's not forgetting the chips and queso.

Step 10: Emily's mom is taking care of the table center pieces and goodie bags. By the way she is using her Cricut. I'm amazed at what that machine can do.

Step 11: What to drink? Coffee, water and Blue Punch! How cool is that? If you want I can post the recipe. It was great but the recipe only makes one batch. I made two batches but should have made three.

Step 12: Sam's Club for cutlery, plates and cups, Party City for game items and table coverings and Wal-Mart for prize items and punch ingredients.

Step 13: Burleson Florist for Emily's corsage.

Step 14: The Cake! - I have chosen a cupcake cake. The plan is to have 15 red velvet, 15 yellow, 15 chocolate and 15 french vanilla. The top will be frosted with the invitation photo (Tiny and the baby's name written underneath. Special thanks to Jenny's Bakery. Their customer service is top notch and they come HIGHLY recommended. When I asked my work out buddies at the YMCA several of them said, Jenny's Bakery. When I asked my mother who works at NASA she said her coworkers and the event planner their also recommended Jenny's Bakery.

Step 15: 4 games! How many diapers are on the diaper cake? What's that smell? (the dirty diaper game)

The clothes pin game, you collect the pins off the person who says baby. The person who has the most pins at the end is the winner. How well do you know the Mommy to be? What do we do if we have a tie? No problem! They will have to answer a question about the Daddy to be.

Step 16: The slide show.

Step 17: Have I missed anything? Nope. For video footage of the shower click here.

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Freebie Friday - Week 33

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!
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Aloha Friday #69 - What Is Your Favorite...

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Besides Wordless Wednesday or Aloha Friday - What is your favorite meme?

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He Took My Diaper Clutch!

The Diaper Clutch is a hot commodity around here. It's home is in my car and it stays there safe and secure. A few months ago I finally decided to order one. We all grew tired of carrying the diaper bag around when we only needed a diaper and a wipe. Being a business owner and hosting several parties I always remember the WAHMs that I work with. I know a good product when I see one and The Diaper Clutch was now a necessity with my weekly trips to the YMCA and church.

When I was thinking about where I would keep The Diaper Clutch I thought it would be really easy for anyone to take it. I simply tweeted @TheDiaperClutch and asked if I could get mine embroidered. No problem! I even picked out my own color design. I love it and I get asked about this product all the time.

Today I was on my way to the YMCA and The Diaper Clutch was missing from my car! Ah crisis, my hubs took it yesterday when he was spending the day with our daughter. I'm telling you it's a must have! What's really neat is we can still use it long after the diapers are gone. What mom couldn't use the wipes and a pair of emergency underwear when potty training?

It's a reasonably priced product and the embroidery is a few dollars more and so worth it to me. This is not a sponsored post, it's just me telling my readers about a "must have baby product."

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Beau-coup's Holiday Giveaway

Beau-coup is already in the holiday giving spirit. They are generously offering me a $50 gift card to spend in their store. I'm really excited because their generosity doesn't stop there. Beau-coup is allowing me to host a giveaway for a $75 gift card. One randomly chosen winner will have the pleasure of choosing from wedding favors, baby shower favors and party favors. If the winner likes they can also shop for the holiday festivities. Beau-coup has a fun line of Christmas party favors and winter wedding favors! I'm going to include the hyperlinks to these images just in case you see something you like and want to get there directly.
"Beau-coup has all kinds of goodies for everyone on your nice list including personalized Hershey’s chocolates that will satisfy that sweet tooth, custom fortune cookies to liven up a holiday soiree, tea sachets to ward off the chill, and of course plenty of favor packaging like mini spice jars, and favor boxes wrapped in personalized ribbon to make the wrappings as pretty as your Christmas party favors inside!" - Silvia Sanchez


As many of my readers know I've been working on Emily's baby shower. Beau-coup has tons of items that I would have loved to use! How cute are these candy jars or these personalized M&M tins? Don't forget to check out their personalized fortune cookies too.

Post a comment here telling me which item(s) from the Beau-coup Favors website you’d love to get if you win! Please make sure you leave an email address or your profile has contact information.
Extra Entries -
Giveaway ends Sunday, November 22nd at midnight CST.
Winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Monday, November 23rd. Good luck, everyone!

Did you know Beau-coup is entering a team in the Big Sur Marathon?

And the winner is...

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-11-23 15:32:27 UTC

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